Vernissage: 02 February 2022, 11am-5pm The curators will be present and will guide you through the exhibition.
Please notice FFP2 masks and a 2G certificate for visiting the exhibition are obliagatory.
Exhibition period: 03 February 2022 – 03 April 2022 Opening hours: Tuesday to Sunday, 10am-6pm Venue: HDA – Haus der Architektur, Mariahilferstraße 2, 8020 Graz
Urbanism is the art, science and technology of developing human settlements. It is less about the buildings themselves than about their arrangement, relationship to each other, and connection to the environment. Crises have influenced the discipline of urbanism as much as they have had an impact on the development of various urbanist movements. Currently, the pandemic, as well as the challenges posed by climate change, such as increased severe weather events, confront us with the fragility of the building environment and calls for a rethinking of the goals and means of urbanism. In the face of immense environmental and social challenges, a paradigm shift in planning and design approaches is needed.
The exhibition Territorial Turn conceived by the Institute of Urbanism, Graz University of Technology, under the direction of Prof. Aglaée Degros, describes the essential change in fundamental framework conditions and values in urbanism. This paradigm shift stands for a holistic, cross-sectoral and networked understanding of space as well as for a close connection of the built environment with living systems – an approach that replaces the predominantly building-oriented attitude in spatial development in favour of an increased appreciation of public space. Here, the space between buildings is understood as essential to environmental and social change.
Projects should not be defined by property boundaries, but require planning that is situated in a larger context and integrates existing socio-ecological systems and cycles. This results in large, interconnected urban systems that gain greater resilience through interconnected structures and transcend the goals of economic progress, modernity, and technology. Territorial Turn follows the notion of an overarching spatial vision of a just and ecological city with a high quality of life for people and the environment.
The exhibition introduces bold concepts, presents pioneering solutions, and describes fundamental urban design concepts that contribute to actively thinking, planning, designing, and implementing an ecological and equitable urban future on a territorial scale. Seven selected practical examples from Nantes, Leipzig, Amsterdam, Leuven, Vienna, Péronnes-lez-Antoing and Trofaiach are used to demonstrate a forward-looking approach to urban design.
As a collaborative extension of the exhibition, Graz residents are invited to identify and submit spatial situations in need of action in their city in order to jointly develop new spatial proposals for redesign in the sense of the Territorial Turn. Photos can be sent to until March 15. Further information
The contents of the exhibition are based on the publication "Basics of Urbanism – 12 concepts of territorial transformation" by the Institute of Urban Design, TU Graz, published by Park Books.
"Territorial Turn – Plea for a Paradigm Shift in Urbanism" is an exhibition of the Institute of Urbanism in cooperation with Haus der Architektur. Curator team: Prof. Aglaée Degros, Radostina Radulova-Stahmer, Carina Mazelle (Institute of Urbanism, TU Graz)
International symposium with thematic reference to the exhibition From 15-16 September 2022 an international symposium of the Institute of Urbanism at TU Graz will take place. Numerous renowned international keynote speakers such as Paola Viganò (EPF Lausanne), Stefan Rettich (University of Kassel), Eva Pfannes (Ooze, Rotterdam), Susanne Eliasson (Grau, Paris) will present their perspectives on the Territorial Turn. In addition, panel discussions with Han Meyer (TU Delft) and Marcel Smets (KU Leuven) are planned. The symposium will take place at TU Graz. More details will follow!
The Institute of Urbanism at TU Graz is being headed by Prof. Aglaée Degros since 2016. Aglaée Degros is an architect and urban designer, Professor of Urbanism at Graz University of Technology and also Honorary Fellow at the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels. In 2001, she co-founded the office for urban design Artgineering with Stefan Bendiks. Degros has held various teaching positions and visiting professorships, including at the Delft University of Technology, the Rotterdam Academy of Architecture, the Vrije Universiteit in Brussels, the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna, the Vienna University of Technology and the Politecnico Milano (2022).
Publication "Basics of Urbanism" Editor: Aglaée Degros, Anna Maria Bagarić, Sabine Bauer, Radostina Radulova-Stahmer, Mario Stefan, Eva Schwab Texts German, English Softcover 244 pages, 103 color illustrations, graphics and plans Park Books 2021 ISBN 978-3-03860-260-6
This evening two further lectures with subsequent discussion on the topic of urban development take place in the context of the exhibition "Territorial Turn" – presenting examples from current developments in Vorarlberg. Since May 2021, Andrea Krupski von Mansberg has headed the newly established Department for Urban Development and Mobility in Bregenz. Anna Hilti provides insights into the project for the development of the "quarter of Feldkirch". With the so-called "planning dialogue", a separate interdisciplinary procedure was developed for this.
Seit der Agrarrevolution galt der urbane Raum entweder als Gegenpol oder, im Optimalfall, als Ergänzung seiner „natürlichen“ Umgebung. Die Notwendigkeit zu CO2 Einsparungen und Fragen nach der Resilienz unseres Lebensstils stellen uns vor noch nie dagewesenen Herausforderungen. Sie erfordern radikale Strategien, die damit auch die Legitimität der Designdisziplinen hinterfragen. Die internationalen Beraterprojekte Greater Geneva und Luxembourg in Transition wurden durch das Eco-Century Project® der Braillard Foundation organisiert und ins Leben gerufen. Sie werfen ein neues Licht auf globale Bestrebungen, die Instrumente (Normen, Gesetze und Methoden) für einen verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit unserem Planeten zu transformieren. – Vortrag von Architekt und Stadtplaner Panos Mantziaras im Zuge der Ausstellung "Territorial Turn" im HDA.
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