OPENING 5 FEBRUARY, 7 P.M. || The exhibition BHP'24 shows 23 nominated and award-winning architectural projects from all over Austria, which were created in particularly intensive collaboration between clients and architects.
Zum Finale der Ausstellung BHP‘24 lädt das HDA zum Quiz Der Preis ist heiß! ein, das die Inhalte der Ausstellung auf spielerische Weise nochmals aufgreift. Auf die besten Quiz-Teilnehmenden warten attraktive Preise – von erlesenen Tropfen unseres Weinsponsors MUSTER.GAMLITZ über Fachpublikationen bis hin zum Hauptpreis: einer Übernachtung im nominierten Projekt, dem Weinstöckl Remschnigg in der Südsteiermark.
For 48 hours non-stop in autumn 2024, banale potenziale was dedicated to questions of so-called public space, especially the street. Alternative uses were trialled, new perspectives opened up and hidden potential made visible. "banale potenziale - Laboratory for Researching the Street" at HDA - Haus der Architektur builds on the debates of banale potenziale and takes them further. As an exhibition, meeting place and discourse space, it sheds light on the history of banale, presents the results of the 48 hours and also shows new contributions.
For the 22nd time, the Architecture Prize of the Province of Styria will be awarded in co-operation with the House of Architecture (HDA), which is endowed with prize money of € 10,000. The current submission phase ended on 1 February 2025! More information will follow on this page!
The HDA - House of Architecture in Graz is pleased to announce new management from October 2024. Zerina Džubur will take over the management of the programme, while Karin Oberhuber will be responsible for the operational management. The HDA team will take on a stronger role in future.
The HDA – House of Architecture is a network partner in the EU-funded programme LINA. The association of over 30 European cultural institutions and event platforms promotes young architects and creatives from Europe and offers them an international platform within the network. Within the framework of the LINA Call for Projects, young talents can apply and, after a preliminary selection process, participate in exhibitions, biennials, lectures, workshops, publications, etc. throughout Europe.
As a collection partner of the nextroom architecture database, the HDA is responsible for the continuous documentation of architectural goings-on in Styria. The "nextroom" database presents completed projects of high architectural quality or relevance to building culture in the form of a long-term archive that depicts contemporary architecture in Austria and beyond and makes it accessible. Architects can submit projects completed in the last two years at any time.