
2017 wurden die „Baukulturellen Leitlinien des Bundes (Baukulturdeklaration)“ beschlossen. Damit setzt der Bund ein klares Signal für die Bedeutung der Baukultur in Österreich und legt konkrete Maßnahmen für die baukulturelle Entwicklung des Landes vor. Insgesamt hat der Baukulturbeirat 20 Leitlinien in folgenden sechs Handlungsfeldern festgelegt.

Konzeption, Entwicklung und Plattformbetrieb: nextroom – verein zur förderung der kulturellen auseinandersetzung mit architektur | Lindengasse 56/2/20, A-1070 Wien | tel +43 1 5233212-13 |

As a collection partner of the nextroom architecture database, the HDA is responsible for the continuous documentation of architectural goings-on in Styria. The "nextroom" database presents completed projects of high architectural quality or relevance to building culture in the form of a long-term archive that depicts contemporary architecture in Austria and beyond and makes it accessible. Architects can submit projects completed in the last two years at any time.

The architecture prize of the Province of Styria for promoting contemporary quality architecture in Styria is awarded every two years and is endowed with prize money of € 10,000. The awarding of the architecture prize of the province of Styria takes place after a public call. The implementation is entrusted to the HDA – House of Architecture in Graz. The prize is awarded to an building erected in Styria within the last 2 years.

ASt (Architekturarchiv Steiermark)

On 30 November, the ASt (Architekturarchiv Steiermark) will open in Graz in the rooms of the house at Münzgrabenstraße 36. The foundation of the ASt is the result of a joint initiative of the HDA, the Institute of Architectural Theory, Art History and Cultural Studies (akk) at Graz University of Technology and the Graz University of Technology Archives, which will contribute their respective expertise to the archiving, research and presentation of the predecessor and postdecessor estates of Styrian architectural offices. The foundation of the ASt is formed by the architecture holdings of the TU Archive, which includes around 70,000 image documents, 55,000 plans and around 50 architectural models.