

OPENING 5 FEBRUARY, 7 P.M. || The exhibition BHP'24 shows 23 nominated and award-winning architectural projects from all over Austria, which were created in particularly intensive collaboration between clients and architects.


For the 16th time, impuls invites you to an acoustic and visual tour through the galleries of Graz with the impuls MinuteConcerts. Young international musicians and ensembles, who have come to Graz as part of the impuls Academy 2025, present works from the 20th and 21st centuries - from classical modernism to the latest compositions, electronic music and improvisation.

Book presentation

The exhibition BHP'24 will focus on the professional practice of architects. The presentation of the book Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses by Karin Hartmann, followed by a panel discussion, will shed light on the perspectives of women in architecture.

Bildungscampus Zeltweg, Zeltweg; Bauherr:in: Stadtgemeinde Zeltweg Immobilien GmbH & Co KG; Architektur: ARGE reitmayr architekten – balloon architekten ZT-OG

*AUSGEBUCHT* ANMELDUNGEN NUR MEHR AUF WARTELISTE || Am 21. März 2025 gibt es die Möglichkeit die zum BHP'24 nominierten Projekte in der Steiermark bei einer Busexkursion zu besichtigen. Eine Anmeldung ist erforderlich!