A future for our present - Grazer Schule and historic preservation
podium discussionImpressive cubatures, multi-faceted façades or refined details - the works of the "Grazer Schule (Graz School)" is still shaping the image of the city today. Nevertheless, many of these buildings are threatened with demolition. In the exhibition "Grazer Schule. Style & Value of a Phenomenon", students of the Institute for Architectural Theory, Art and Cultural Studies (akk) at Graz University of Technology dedicate themselves to this important architectural heritage.
A podium discussion with experts from the fields of monument preservation, research and architectural history in dialogue with protagonists and contemporary witnesses of the "Grazer Schule" will accompany the exhibtion. The panelists will explore the questions: How is the overall ensemble of the "Grazer Schule" to be evaluated in Graz and within Styria - and who can, may, should be allowed to make this evaluation? How should we deal with this architectural heritage of the late 20th century? What "treasure" do these architectural icons mean for the city of Graz alongside the buildings in the city centre that have been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites?
Robert Walle, Federal Monuments Authority Austria, Department for Styria, Deputy Head of Department
Anna Wickenhauser, docomomo, Vienna
Olaf Gisbertz, Institute for architectural history, Technical University of Braunschweig | Speaker DFG-Network Building Research Younger Building Stock 1945+
Anselm Wagner, Institute for Architectural Theory, Art and Cultural Studies, TU Graz