The symposium Architecture After the Future is part of the eponymous exhibition at the House of Architecture in Graz. The primary goal of the conference is to enable the authors of the exhibited projects to present their work to the Graz public and explain the theoretical concepts underlying their architectural research and practice, thereby initiating a public discourse on architecture of the post-futurist era. In addition, in the last of the three lecture blocks, architectural researcher Michael Klein and philosopher Armen Avanessian will examine the possibilities of overcoming the current crisis of future-oriented imagination with a particular focus on architectural design and urban planning. The symposium will end with a round-table discussion moderated by art historian and architectural theorist Anselm Wagner.
Concept and organization: Ana Jeinić
Welcome Note: Markus Bogensberger, director HDA Introduction: Ana Jeinić
POST-FUTURIST DESIGN STRATEGIES: Reflexive, Reluctant, and Ephemeral Architectures
Paolo Patelli, The Architecture (an Archaeology) of a Post-Nation: A Design-Based Inquiry into the Prototypes of the European Project (lecture)
José Tomás Pérez Valle, No Man’s Land: Subtracting the Border (project presentation)
Bika Rebek and Noemi Polo, The Invisible Window (project presentation)
Miloš Kosec, I Would Prefer Not To: The Emergence of the Reluctant Architect (lecture)
POST-FUTURIST DESIGN STRATEGIES: Pragmatic, Ironic, Relativistic, and Salvatorian Speculations
Paul Landon, Dissolving Futures (project presentation)
Florian Bengert, Space in Time: The Future of Logistic Landscapes (project presentation)
Ersi Krouska, Penelope Pop-Up: Refugee Tent System (project presentation)
Mika Savela and Henrik Drufva (Selim Projects), Proxima Utopia (lecture)
BACK TO THE FUTURE: Reclaiming the Immanent Futurism of the Architectural Project
Michael Klein, The Promises of the Future: The Relationship between Hope, Planning, and Reality (presentation of the annual theme of the Austrian Society of Architecture)
Armen Avanessian, On Speculative Time Complex, Accelerationism, Xeno-Architecture, and Mereotopolitics (video interview by Ana Jeinić)
Round-Table Discussion with Michael Klein, Markus Bogensberger, and Ana Jeinić (moderation: Anselm Wagner)
Co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union and the Office of the Federal Chancellor in Austria (Margarete-Schütte-Lihotzky-Projektstipendium 2016)
According to social theorists, such as Marc Augé or Franco “Bifo” Berardi, we live in an age characterised by the collapse of the very idea of the future: In the last decades of the 20th century, with the repeated economic crisis, the discouraging reports to the Club of Rome – a group of experts from a wide range of disciplines – and the seemingly definite collapse of the socialist project, our belief in the future was irreparably shattered. Taking into account that the architectural project, in the conventional sense of the term, has always been a project of the future , the described situation must have had profound consequences for architecture as a discipline. The exhibition Architecture After the Future is based on the assumption that understanding and revealing these consequences presents a major task for the contemporary discourse on architecture and also a necessary prelude to the imminent debate on how to reintegrate the dimension of the future once again into the architectural and broader cultural imagination. The exhibition features eight contributions to Future Architecture Platform’s Call for Ideas 2016. Each of the eight projects selected by curator Ana Jeinić exemplifies a specific strategy for adapting architectural practice to the post-futurist cultural condition.
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