Architecture After The Future – Symposium

Fotos der Veranstaltung am 23.06.2017

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Architecture After the Future


Beim Symposium im Rahmen der gleichnamigen Ausstellung werden die AutorInnen der ausgestellten Projekte ihre Arbeit dem Grazer Publikum vorstellen, theoretisch vertiefen und einen öffentlichen Diskurs über Architektur der post-futuristischen Ära anregen. Architekturforscher Michael Klein und Philosoph Armen Avanessian untersuchen die Möglichkeiten zur Überwindung der gegenwärtigen Krise der produktiven Zukunftsvorstellungen mit Fokus auf das architektonische und städtebauliche Entwerfen, gefolgt von einer moderierten Podiumsdiskussion.

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Architecture After the Future

The symposium Architecture After the Future is part of the eponymous exhibition at the House of Architecture in Graz. The primary goal of the conference is to enable the authors of the exhibited projects to present their work to the Graz public and explain the theoretical concepts underlying their architectural research and practice, thereby initiating a public discourse on architecture of the post-futurist era. In addition, in the last of the three lecture blocks, architectural researcher Michael Klein and philosopher Armen Avanessian will examine the possibilities of overcoming the current crisis of future-oriented imagination with a particular focus on architectural design and urban planning. The symposium will end with a round-table discussion moderated by art historian and architectural theorist Anselm Wagner.

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Architecture After the Future


The symposium Architecture After the Future is part of the eponymous exhibition at the House of Architecture in Graz. The primary goal of the conference is to enable the authors of the exhibited projects to present their work to the Graz public and explain the theoretical concepts underlying their architectural research and practice, thereby initiating a public discourse on architecture of the post-futurist era. In addition, in the last of the three lecture blocks, architectural researcher Michael Klein and philosopher Armen Avanessian will examine the possibilities of overcoming the current crisis of future-oriented imagination with a particular focus on architectural design and urban planning. The symposium will end with a round-table discussion moderated by art historian and architectural theorist Anselm Wagner.

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