Architecture After the Future – Ausstellungseröffnung

Fotos der Ausstellungseröffnung am 22.06.2017

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Architecture After the Future


Gesellschaftstheoretikern wie Marc Augé oder Franco „Bifo“ Berardi zufolge leben wir in einer Ära, die durch den Zusammenbruch jeglicher Zukunftsvorstellungen sowie des Zukunftsbegriffes selbst gekennzeichnet ist. Bedenkt man, dass jeder architektonische Entwurf, im herkömmlichen Sinn dieses Begriffs, immer auch ein Zukunftsentwurf ist, muss die post-futuristische Stimmung der Gegenwartsgesellschaft schwerwiegende Folgen für die Architektur als Disziplin haben. Die Ausstellung Architecture After the Future gründet auf der Annahme, dass das Verstehen und Sichtbarmachen dieser Folgen eine wichtige Aufgabe für den zeitgenössischen Architekturdiskurs darstellt. Dadurch wird ein erster notwendiger Schritt gesetzt, um die Rückgewinnung der Zukunftsdimension des architektonischen Entwerfens einzuleiten. Gezeigt werden acht Beiträge, welche aus dem diesjährigen Call for Ideas der Future Architecture Platform ausgewählt wurden – jedes Projekt steht dabei exemplarisch für eine der spezifischen Strategien, durch die sich die architektonische Praxis an die Bedingungen der post-futuristischen Kultur anpasst.

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Architecture After the Future


23.06.-30.07.2017: According to social theorists, such as Marc Augé or Franco “Bifo” Berardi, we live in an age characterised by the collapse of the very idea of the future: In the last decades of the 20th century, with the repeated economic crisis, the discouraging reports to the Club of Rome – a group of experts from a wide range of disciplines – and the seemingly definite collapse of the socialist project, our belief in the future was irreparably shattered. Taking into account that the architectural project, in the conventional sense of the term, has always been a project of the future , the described situation must have had profound consequences for architecture as a discipline. The exhibition Architecture After the Future is based on the assumption that understanding and revealing these consequences presents a major task for the contemporary discourse on architecture and also a necessary prelude to the imminent debate on how to reintegrate the dimension of the future once again into the architectural and broader cultural imagination. The exhibition features eight contributions to Future Architecture Platform’s Call for Ideas 2016. Each of the eight projects selected by curator Ana Jeinić exemplifies a specific strategy for adapting architectural practice to the post-futurist cultural condition.

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Architecture After the Future


According to social theorists, such as Marc Augé or Franco “Bifo” Berardi, we live in an age characterised by the collapse of the very idea of the future: In the last decades of the 20th century, with the repeated economic crisis, the discouraging reports to the Club of Rome – a group of experts from a wide range of disciplines – and the seemingly definite collapse of the socialist project, our belief in the future was irreparably shattered. Taking into account that the architectural project, in the conventional sense of the term, has always been a project of the future , the described situation must have had profound consequences for architecture as a discipline. The exhibition Architecture After the Future is based on the assumption that understanding and revealing these consequences presents a major task for the contemporary discourse on architecture and also a necessary prelude to the imminent debate on how to reintegrate the dimension of the future once again into the architectural and broader cultural imagination. The exhibition features eight contributions to Future Architecture Platform’s Call for Ideas 2016. Each of the eight projects selected by curator Ana Jeinić exemplifies a specific strategy for adapting architectural practice to the post-futurist cultural condition.

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