2022 LINA Conference: Architecture and the future of the planet
VideoOn October 21/22 the first LINA conference took place in Ljubljana. You can now watch the recordings of the conference online.
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The 2022 LINA Conference will bring together 27 members and 25 featured emerging talents – LINA fellows – along with keynote speakers. The 2-day conference will present opportunities to connect and follow the latest developments and trends in architecture while presenting possible visions and revolutions for the future of the planet.
LINA, the European architecture platform, is helping architecture tackle the climate and environmental crisis. It promotes projects that help make the European Green Deal a reality. Through an alliance of LINA members – architecture museums, universities, research networks, foundations, triennials, biennials, and other architectural organisations – it creates the LINA Architecture Programme.
Each year, the member organisations offer the chance for LINA fellows to become part of their programme, feature their work through lectures, workshops, mentorships, or other collaborative formats and help their ideas reach further and gain an international audience.
Speakers: Specialists in the field of architecture and sustainable development
FOCUS TALKS will address pressing contemporary issues in architecture and the environment at large.
THE ROUND TABLE will present successful sustainable practices in architecture, urbanism and beyond
The ESSAY State of the Architecture by Milica Topalović will present an analysis of entries to the LINA Call for Projects and extrapolate findings relevant to the architectural field.
Speakers: LINA fellows 2022, LINA members and other partners of the platform
The 25 LINA fellows, selected at the Call for Projects, will present, discuss and argue their projects with both members of the platform and the audience on the second day of the conference. Selected projects from all over the European Union and partner countries vary from concrete architectural solutions to changes in mobility practices or awareness-raising actions. The member organisations of the platform will select those with whom they would like to collaborate further and feature in their activities, carried out within the LINA Architecture Programme.
Selected Projects (to be found on the LINA-Website)
The Architecture Display, which takes place on both days of the conference, will present an array of players in architecture, from individual architects and architectural offices to institutions, organisers, curators and other experts.
On both days, the additional programme of the conference Plečnik 150, organised by the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Ljubljana, will take place and feature lectures by Andreas Ruby, Jonathan Sergison, Ákos Moravánszky and Kengo Kuma.
On October 21/22 the first LINA conference took place in Ljubljana. You can now watch the recordings of the conference online.
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