Space for education is space for living!
Dorte Kristensen, atelier PRO, The Hague/Netherlands
LectureDate: 10.06.2022, 7 p.m.
Venue: HDA – House of Architecture, Marihilferstraße 2, 8020 Graz, Austria
For the final of the Architekturtage event, the HDA invited Dorte Kristensen, director of atelier PRO architects, The Hague. The office has realised numerous school projects in the Netherlands and around the globe and is convinced: Contemporary elementary schools are often much more than just educational spaces. They are buildings that play an important role in the urban and social weave of our cities. Educational buildings have a hidden power and can be catalysts in the gentrification of neighborhoods through their added social functions as well as being one of the solutions in the problems around an aging population.
During her lecture Dorte Kristensen will talk ybout the following projects:
Neighborhood and child centre 03 Rivierenbuurt, The Hague
Multifunctional Community School De Statie, Sas van Gent
Cultuurhuis De Klinker Winschoten
The lecture will be held in English.
About Dorte Kristensen
Dorte Kristensen MA (Aarhus 1963) is architect director at atelier PRO. She studied architecture at Delft University of Technology and worked as an architect in London. In 1989 she obtained her Master of Art in Architecture (MA) from the Arkitektskolen in Århus. As executive architect, Dorte is responsible for all projects of atelier PRO.
Inspired by Scandinavian architects like Gunnar Asplund, Alvar Aalto and Jørn Utzon she developed her style into a contemporary context-oriented architecture. Her architecture is inextricably linked to the environment and made to enhance the atmosphere and character of the living environment.
Her focus adheres to the design of the threshold area between public and private that influences social dynamics, where urban spaces and buildings come together and create opportunities for flexible use. These are demonstrated in multifunctional buildings, schools, town halls and cultural houses – a piece of Scandinavian craftsmanship in the Netherlands.