The exhibition BHP'24 on the road focuses on the professional practice of architects. After more than 20 years of existence, the Graz-based architecture firm balloon architekten can look back on a significant number of planned and precisely realised architectural projects. Their work brochure ‘-1 / 0 / 1+’ sheds light on the different project phases of planning and their influence on the positive development of our built environment. Using the example of the Zeltweg education campus, which was nominated for this year's Bauherr:innenpreis, the importance of early project development and the successful interaction of the project team are discussed.
The landmark decisions for our built environment are made in the local or urban development concept (phase -1) and in project development (phase 0). In order to create climate-neutral transformation and places for good coexistence, these early process steps are of crucial importance - because omissions can hardly be compensated for in the later planning and consequently in the structural realisation (phase 1+). balloon architekten advocate a stronger focus on these early phases and have structured their work brochure accordingly. Using specific project examples, they illustrate how crucial these preparatory phases are for the positive development of our built living space.
The book presentation will be followed by a discussion with representatives of the client, the project management and the architects of the Zeltweg Education Campus. As a nominated project, the Zeltweg Education Campus is part of the exhibition Bauherr:innenpreis ‘24 - Unterwegs. The urban integration into the town centre, the importance of early project development and the successful interaction of the project team will be discussed.
Gäste: Günter Reichhold (Mayor of the municipality of Zeltweg) Patrick Pichler (Head of Building Department, Municipality of Zeltweg) Gustav Spener (project management, Spener ZT-KG), requested Johannes Wohofsky (architect, balloon architekten) Iris Rampula (architect, balloon architekten) Peter Reitmayr (architect, reitmayr architekten) Nika Mitteregger (book editor) Moderation: Rainer Rosegger (agentur scan)
About the authors:
Since their foundation in 2003, balloon architekten have been dealing with urban development issues and have successfully accompanied integrated urban development concepts (ISEK) and integrated urban development framework plans. After more than 20 years of existence, they can look back on a significant number of planned and precisely realised architectural projects. Their focus is on education, housing, culture, health and public space. A particular concern is climate-neutral transformation, the (further) construction of existing buildings and the design of places that promote good coexistence. Through inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration with experts and the early integration of stakeholders, balloon architekten strive for holistic, best possible solutions. Their contribution to building culture has been recognised with prestigious architectural awards and underlines their commitment to forward-looking architecture and urban development.
OPENING 5 FEBRUARY, 7 P.M. || The exhibition BHP'24 shows 23 nominated and award-winning architectural projects from all over Austria, which were created in particularly intensive collaboration between clients and architects.
The exhibition BHP'24 will focus on the professional practice of architects. The presentation of the book Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses by Karin Hartmann, followed by a panel discussion, will shed light on the perspectives of women in architecture.
For the 16th time, impuls invites you to an acoustic and visual tour through the galleries of Graz with the impuls MinuteConcerts. Young international musicians and ensembles, who have come to Graz as part of the impuls Academy 2025, present works from the 20th and 21st centuries - from classical modernism to the latest compositions, electronic music and improvisation.
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