The exhibition BHP'24 will focus on the professional practice of architects. The presentation of the book Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses by Karin Hartmann, followed by a panel discussion, will shed light on the perspectives of women in architecture.
In Austria, women now consistently account for over fifty per cent of graduates from architecture faculties. However, the proportion of women among authorised architects is 19%. In fact, this statistic puts Austria at the bottom of the league in Europe. This shows that many women leave architecture immediately after graduating, never take the civil engineering exam and thus become authorised architects or only dedicate themselves to fields of activity related to architecture but not construction. This perspective drop-out creates a one-sided understanding of architecture and one-sided design concepts in the architecture sector. As a result, the diversity of perspectives and experiences from other life situations and groups find little entry into working practice and planning culture - and thus into the ‘physical image of our society’. But why are there so few female architects in Austria? Where does this drop-out come from? Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses is a plea for change, for more diversity and an opening of the industry to many realities of life and practices. At the same time, it encourages us to take a fresh look at obsolete narratives that are still firmly anchored in architecture.
The book presentation will be followed by a discussion with experts from various academic and professional fields of architecture. In addition to structural discrimination against women, the importance of female planning experiences for our built environment will be discussed. At the interface of gender issues and architecture, the event will highlight various challenges and the potential for cultural change towards a more diverse planning and construction process.
Guests: Karin Hartmann (architect, author of the book ‘Black Turtleneck, Round Glasses’) Eva Hierzer (architect, ZT Kammer) Ingrid Frisch (client, Graz City Planning Department) Lea Schuiki (architecture graduate, TU Graz) Moderation: Theresa Reisenhofer (architect, lecturer at the Faculty of Architecture, TU Graz)
About the author: Karin Hartmann is an architect and author. She writes, speaks and researches on architecture and urban planning from an intersectional-feminist perspective. Karin Hartmann has worked as an independent architect, at stakeholder level and as a consultant for building culture at the Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development. She is a member of the Association of German Architects (BDA) and first chairwoman of the career network and professional association architektinnen initiative nw (ainw). In the winter semester 2023/2023 she was a guest professor of the Claiming*Spaces Collective at the Vienna University of Technology. With the contribution Unlearn Architecture, Karin Hartmann is co-author of the anthology Unlearn Patriarchy 2, which was published by Ullstein Book publisher in March 2024.
OPENING 5 FEBRUARY, 7 P.M. || The exhibition BHP'24 shows 23 nominated and award-winning architectural projects from all over Austria, which were created in particularly intensive collaboration between clients and architects.
The exhibition BHP‘24 on the road focuses on the professional practice of architects. After more than 20 years of existence, the Graz-based architecture firm balloon architekten can look back on a significant number of planned and precisely realised architectural projects. Their work brochure ‘-1 / 0 / 1+’ sheds light on the different project phases of planning and their influence on the positive development of our built environment. Using the example of the Zeltweg education campus, which was nominated for this year's Bauherr:innenpreis, the importance of early project development and the successful interaction of the project team are discussed.
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