Graz is considered Austria's capital of architecture: the second largest city in the Alpine republic boasts both the UNESCO World Heritage Site of its historic city centre and the experimental buildings of the Graz School of the late 20th century. Graz has been a UNESCO City of Design since 2011 and boasts outstanding examples of historical and contemporary architecture such as the Renaissance Eggenberg Palace and the friendly alien Kunsthaus Graz.
The edition of the Graz Architecture Guide, published by Anselm Wagner and Sophia Walk in collaboration with the HDA, covers all relevant buildings from the 12th to the 21st century. Twelve tours lead to over 300 buildings, streets and squares. In-depth focus texts provide insights into the background to the building and place them in an art and cultural-historical context.
The texts on the more than 300 buildings, streets and squares were compiled by architecture students at the Institute for Architectural Theory, Art and Cultural Studies at Graz University of Technology. In addition to the first edition published five years ago, which is now out of print, current new buildings such as the Green Tower in Reininghaus or the Puntigam primary school, as well as many other buildings from the 20th century, which are mainly located on the outskirts of Graz, have been included. Renowned experts provide insights in in-depth focus texts and embed them in an art and cultural-historical context. The second edition of the architectural guide also contains a number of discoveries that have never been published before, such as the expressionist boiler house in the Graz-Süd provincial hospital by Hugo Pohlhammer.
Dawn Michelle d'Atri, John Wheelwright and Amy Klement were responsible for the translation into English, which was made possible by a grant from the Graz City Planning Department. Elvira Fatkhutdinova and Anna Söllinger were responsible for the graphic design.
Architectural Guide Graz ed. Anselm Wagner and Sophia Walk DOM publishers, Berlin (series Architectural Guides) 134 × 245 mm 496 pages, 1000 illustrations Softcover EUR 49,95
Die aktualisierte und um 60 Bauwerke erweiterte zweite Auflage des Architekturführers Graz behandelt alle relevanten Gebäude vom 12. bis zum 21. Jahrhundert. Zwölf Touren führen zu über 300 Bauten, Straßenzügen und Plätzen. Renommierte Fachexpert*innen geben in vertiefenden Schwerpunkttexten Einblicke in die Hintergründe des Baugeschehens und betten sie in einen kunst- und kulturgeschichtlichen Kontext ein. Die Übersetzung ins Englische, die eine Subvention der Stadtbaudirektion Graz möglich machte, übernahmen Dawn Michelle d’Atri, John Wheelwright und Amy Klement. Die grafische Umsetzung besorgten Elvira Fatkhutdinova und Anna Söllinger.
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